Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

My Hometown

Hollaaa! Welcome in my blog. I want to share about my hometown but I'll share little bit about my life. I'm from Indonesian but I live in Surabaya. In Surabaya I have been living with my family. Okey I'll tell about my hometown "SURABAYA".

Surabaya is the capital of east java province. Surabaya is the second biggest city after Jakarta. Surabaya known as the city of hero or the city of metropolitan. The name of Surabaya city comes from the word "Sura" or "Suro" and "Baya" or "Boyo" in java. Suro is kind of fish sharks, boyo is the term java language to crocodile. Surabaya form promiment place and trading center in eastern Indonesia, and now became one of largest in Southeast Asia.

Surabaya is one of cleanest in Indonesia, can be seen with parks of city which Mundu park, Bungkul park, Undaan park, Surya park, Pelangi park, Jayengrono park and so on.

 Surya Park

Mundu Park

 Pelangi Park

 Jayengrono Park

But in 2013 one of park in Surabaya, Bungkul park, got an accolade of The Asian Twonscape Award 2013 of association as the best in Asia because the facility very complete and intregrated that began to economic, area open the green, the park, internet free(Wi-fi), as well as an arrangement of the park are good.

That's little bit about my hometown "Surabaya". You can go this place if you visit to Surabaya. Don't forget comment. Thankyou

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Funny Story

Hello welcome in my blog! I want to tell about funny story in my experience.

One month ago, I went to mall with my boyfriend to saw the movie. When we want to the cinema, I want to an urinate and my boyfriend waiting in the outside. Without realizing it when I go to the toilet, I go in the men's room, I screamed out loud and run out with a face very embarrassed. Everybody saw me but I don't care because I can't hold an urinate. I'am very very embarrassed. After we saw the movie, we hurried home because the weather was a little bit cloudy and we don't brought raincoat. We were rushed into motorcycle parking area without us realizing, we've done something stupid. When we had in the motorcycle parking area and toward to our motorcycle, my boyfriend is trying to enter the key motorcycle but it can't. We're very confused and we continue to try have the key can enter. When my boyfriend tried to insert the key, I realized and said to my boyfriend that we were wrong to select the motor (motor others). At the moment I and my boyfriend very upset why in the day we got bad luck. I hate that day! 😡

That's my funny story. Thankyou 😬

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016


Hello guys! I'm interesting in this book how we how to use social media is good and right. From 10 points, I choose 3 point that number 1, 2 and 5

What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it's network etiquette that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Netiquette has a dual purpose: to help net newbies minimize their mistakes, and to help experienced cyberspace travelers help the newbies. The list of core rules below, and the explanations that follow, are excerpted from the book.

1. Remember The Human
The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings. When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate. When you're holding a conversation online whether it's an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting it's easy to misinterpret your correspondent's meaning. And it's frighteningly easy to forget that your correspondent is a person with feelings more or less like your own. It's ironic, really. Computer networks bring people together who'd otherwise never meet. But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less well. Humans exchanging email often behave the way some people behind the wheel of a car do: They curse at other drivers, make obscene gestures, and generally behave like savages.

Writer and Macintosh evangelist Guy Kawasaki tells a story about getting email from some fellow he's never met. Online, this fellow tells Guy that he's a bad writer with nothing interesting to say. Yes, but unfortunately, it happens all the time in cyberspace. Maybe it's the awesome power of being able to send mail directly to a well-known writer like Guy. Maybe it's the fact that you can't see his face crumple in misery as he reads your cruel words. Whatever the reason, it's incredibly common. Another reason not to be offensive online. When you communicate through cyberspace via email or on discussion groups  your words are written. And chances are they're stored somewhere where you have no control over them. In other words, there's a good chance they can come back to haunt you.

2. Adhere to the same standarts of behavior online that you follow in real life

In real life, most people are fairly law-abiding, either by disposition or because we're afraid of getting caught. In cyberspace, the chances of getting caught sometimes seem slim. And, perhaps because people sometimes forget that there's a human being on the other side of the computer, some people think that a lower standard of ethics or personal behavior is acceptable in cyberspace. Standards of behavior may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life. Don't believe anyone who says, "The only ethics out there are what you can get away with." This is a book about manners, not about ethics. But if you encounter an ethical dilemma in cyberspace, consult the code you follow in real life. Chances are good you'll find the answer. If you're tempted to do something that's illegal in cyberspace, chances are it's also bad Netiquette. Some laws are obscure or complicated enough that it's hard to know how to follow them. And in some cases, we're still establishing how the law applies to cyberspace. Two examples are the laws on privacy (see Rule 8 and "Email Privacy a Grand Illusion" on page 125) and copyright (see "Copyright in Cyberspace" on page 133). This is a book on manners, not a legal manual. But Netiquette mandates that you do your best to act within the laws of society and cyberspace.

3. Make yourself look good online

Internet is communication media favored by many people. Internet one way to communicate online and how to communicate easily with people that you have never met before. Most people choose to communicate online because it is an advantage and can shorten time. If you spend your time in front a computer screen(only to internet) it may seize the activities you should do every day. But benefits of using the internet you also can be learn more and that's very fun. Use to internet every one must pay attention to the words or the content in question (which will be posted). For example : you update on one of your social media accounts. Because if everyone did not pay attention to it can cause adverse effects.

So, my opinion about Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. You might offend people without meaning to or you might misunderstand what others say and take offense when it's not intended. To make matters worse, something about cyberspace makes it easy to forget that you're interacting with other real people. So, I hope to everyone to be more careful in the use of social media (chat, video call or comment, etc) with people who have never met at all. May play in social media, but everyone should be able to respect or set the time, said politely, do not harass other people's lives, not abusing all existing social media.

Thank you for coming in my blog