Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Elemantary School

Helo guys! This is the last in my an assignment. In the an assignment my lecture give on my class to making some narrative text, and I am choose about maybe the tittle from the list "when I was on school". So, that is my narrative.

When I was in 6th grade, my friends, my teacher and I went to Jogja. But before we went to Jogja, the student can be choose another place except to Jogja that is Bandung and Malang. Almost all the student choose to go to Jogja. We went to Jogja after we finished the national exam. Our purpose went to Jogja for refreshing. First we went to Jogja together we felt very happy if we want to go there we need 8hours long drive. When we are arriving to there, first we cleaned it up. After already cleaned it up we gathered in the bus and we are going to Malioboro. We headed to Malioboro takes no any longer. After arrived in there, our teacher gave time to us just twenty five minute until a half past minute for shopping or spent to got around in the area Malioboro. After from Malioboro, we are going to Borobudur Temple. We did a lot of an activities at Borobudur Temple. First we have to bought some ticket to enter the area Borobudur Temple, went to round all the area Borobudur Temple together with singing, some of us taken a picture and the last we had eaten. After all an activity is finished we all went back to our resting place.

On the next day before we conduct our vacation, we had breakfast first. After we had eaten our teacher told us please packing our bag or our luggage enter into the bus because at 08.00 a.m. we had to check out of hotel and we are going to back in Surabaya. Before we go back to Surabaya, we visited many souvenirs and we spent many time in there. When  we spent time in there, one of our friends had an accident that was a foolish. She is my classmate as long as went to Jogja. She wanted to bought something before she went into the shop, she hit the glass door at the time she was cool played her phone while she is walking. All the people who were inside laugh at the absurdity that she created as a result and she is very an embarrassed.

After we all finished shopping, we continued our journey heading to Surabaya. We headed to Surabaya we need 8hours. We arrived to Surabaya and we arrived on our school at 10.00 o’clock in the morning. Next an activity after we arrived on our school, we took our luggage and brought us straight back to their homes.

Thankyou for reading and I am sorry about my grammar very bad. Don't forget to give some comment :)

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Reflection : Second Semester

Hi! In the second semester I found a lot of a knowledge in a way how write correctly in a foreign languages(in English). I feel fortunate to get this an opportunity. As long as I followed on writing one class the teachtable by Mr.Yohanes Taloko. He teaches how to write the tenses and grammar, how to use periods, commans, an exclamation, a question and how to create a sequential narrative and correct. But I remembered when on my classmates have to classes in micro teaching 2 (D230), Mr.Yohanes Taloko gave to us some an exercises or made a story as long as we had went to training kader. When we made a story suddenly Mr.Yohanes go out to take a call, he came out long enough and the time it is also one of our friends invited to take a pictures because the glass in micro teaching passable to look in the mirror and selfie together. Hahahaha.

Yaps, that's my reflection as long as I am studying on writing one class. Thanks for everything class A and successful. Jesus Bless!

Jumat, 29 April 2016

My Style


 Hi! I'm Ika. I'm at my second semester in Widya Mandala Catholic University. I'm going to tell you a little bit about my favorite a clothing style. Many of my friends like wearing a casual style because we don't like something complicated when we wearing clothes. My friends really like wearing jeans and joger pants. Then some of my friends really like wearing ripped-jeans that's  both girls and boys. But some girl really like wearing an accessories. For the boys, they like wearing plain shirt or T-shirt with a pair of jeans and they really like wearing sneakers. For the girl, really like wearing sneakers too. Because sneakers so comfortable. If my self prefer wearing shirt, jacket, jeans with a flatshoes or sneakers. I think is the end of my introduction. So, what do you like to wear?


Dear Via,
I went to Scotland on my holiday last week. Do you know where Scotland is? I think Scotland has a beautiful city. I went to Scotland with my family and my boy friend. We went to there for planning my wedding with my fiance but we spent more time to shopping, surfing and eating at some great Scotland restaurants. My mom bought a beautiful necklace, rings and bracelet. By the way, when I officially become a wife, I am going to live in Scotland. But you must come to my wedding party, I will buy some tickets to come in my wedding party.

Your Friend,


Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016


On February 19 2016, my friends and me have learned about funny story but we also learned an adjective and an adverbs. Before my fiends and me learned about this topic, my lecture asked us to pair up and tell a funny an experience that ever happened. At the time I was paired with via. Via tell a funny an experience when her friends and she went to one place to eat. They sat down to wait for orders to come. After a few minutes they waited, eventually they were waiting for orders already coming. When they eat and at the time it was also one friend viewed TV that serve ads one food product(sneakers) and her friends an imitate the contents of these ads but when her friends an imitating these ads everyone looking at her friends and via were an acting strange. Once we were in love time to tell a funny experience to partner, my lecture ask one of us to tell in front the class. After that my lecture explain about an adjective and an adverbs, my lecture giving to us an assigment make a funny story to share in the blog and give to comment.


My name is Benedicta Ika Puspitarini. You can call me ika. I am Indonesian. I am 18 years old. I was born in Surabaya 6 June 1997. I have been living in Jl. Suningrat No.22 RT 11 RW 03 Ketegan-Taman-Sidoarjo. I’m the first child of two siblings. My father name’s Slamet Haryanto, my mother name’s Setyorini and my brother name’s Yustinus Rivaldi Pramudya. My father worked as a navy at Gunungsari, my mother worked as a civil servant at SMPN 3 Taman as administration, my brother’s in his first year at SMPN 3 Taman. I go to Widya Mandala Catholic University. I am studying english. Before I enter to University, on  2001 I started my training time kindergarten at TK Darma Wanita. Did not feel the time elapsed, a very pleasant chilhood  has ended and I will contiune my study. In 2003 I started my education at the primary school level at SDN Ketegan 1. On 2009 I finished from primary school and I continued further an education level is junior high school. I was in junior high school 3 Taman. After I finished from junior high school, on 2012 I continued my study at Catholic high school of St.Joseph Karangpilang Surabaya but on 2102 just 4 to 5 month I was educated there. In November 2012, my parents displce my school in senior high school 1 Taman. I have a hobby of sports as volley ball and swimming. Playing volley ball and swimming are good exercise. I like listening to pop and religion. My favorite singer is Natashia Nikita. She’s Indonesian. She is popular in Indonesia too. She speaks Indonesia. My favorite food is meatball. My favorite dessert are avocado juice and ice orange. I also like making fried rice. I like watch TV and movie sometimes. I like science action and romantic movies.

That's a little bit about me. Please give to comment

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Description about My Pet

Hello everyone welcome in my blog again. In chapter 5 I learned about to describe an animal and person. I would description about an animal in my house. In my house, I have many animals(canary bird, fish, chicken and catfish) but that have all my dad. There’s only two, a canary bird and chicken. Okay I’ll describe one of them is about canary bird.

Canary Bird

Canary bird first discovered by French sailor Jean de Berthan Cout in the Canary Islands in 15th century. The canary bird name is taken from the name of habitats original island, Canary Islands. The islands itself got its name from Latin language “canarias” that means(island), because the number of wild dog are there in ancients times. But there are many types of canaries, including :

1. Border canary
2. Gloster canary
3. Norwich canary
4. Waterslager canary
5. Scotch Fancy canary
6. Crest canary
7. Spanish Timbrado canary
8. Lizard canary
9. Color Breed canary
10. Cinnamon canary
11. Yorkshire canary
12. Lancashire canary
13. Fife Fancy canary
14. Roller canary
15. Frill canary
16. American Singer canary
17. Belgian Fancy canary

Among the above types of canaries, my father had a canary types Fife Fancy canary. Fife Fancy canary was developed in about 1950 in the area Fife in Scotland. Fife Fancy canary also very active in move and chirping. The following characteristics fife fancy canary :

1. Small body only 11cm
2.  Wing color is white and yellow
3. Having a variety of colors are like yellow, green, brown, gray, white and combinations
4. Easy to stress that in crowded environments
5. Classified as an intilligent and easy familiar with humans

Fife Fancy Bird

Thus an information can I tell about describe canary bird. May be useful and don’t forget to comment.